Uncovering History: The Fascinating Finds Made With Metal Detectors

Metal detectors are a great way to get more out of the outdoors. Whether you’re looking for hidden treasures or just want to discover some cool objects, there’s no better way to do it than with a metal detector.

Metal detecting is a hobby that can lead to exciting discoveries of historical significance.
The right equipment and techniques can increase your chances of uncovering valuable treasures.
There are a variety of resources available for beginners and experienced metal detectorists alike.
Safety and legal considerations are important to keep in mind while metal detecting.
The history and stories behind the objects found with metal detectors can provide fascinating insight into the past.

1. A Viking Treasure Trove

You might think that the most exciting finds made with a metal detector would be precious metals like gold or silver, but this is not always the case. 

One of the most exciting discoveries was made by a metal detectorist named Terry Herbert in 2009, who found a trove of Viking silver coins dating back to 787 AD in a field in Somerset, England. 

The coins were minted under Charlemagne and were used for trade throughout Europe during their time. Before they were buried for safekeeping, they may have been stolen by Vikings who infiltrated France. 

They are now on display at the British Museum alongside other ancient treasures such as Egyptian hieroglyphs and Greek vases

“Metal detecting is an exciting hobby that offers the thrill of the hunt. If you’re just starting out, be sure to check out our beginner’s guide to metal detecting for helpful tips and advice on getting started.”

2. Hidden Gold Coins

A man with a metal detector was searching for lost gold coins in the UK when he found something even better—thousands of Roman silver coins.

In his search, the man accidentally uncovered a leather bag containing 2,000 silver denarii coins that had been hidden by a Roman soldier about 1,900 years ago. 

The discovery was made under a car park in York, England where archaeologists have previously found evidence of Roman military occupation during the 2nd century AD. 

It’s believed that this soldier may have been guarding military stores or valuables when they were attacked by enemies and this leather pouch containing the silver denarii was buried to keep it safe.

Most Historic Metal Detecting Finds I’ve Ever Seen in the US

3. A Viking Burial Site

One of the most fascinating finds from a Viking burial site was made with a metal detector in Denmark. In 2011, archaeologists discovered the remains of what is believed to be an important Viking warrior.

He was buried with his sword and spear, and had been placed in a boat that had been set on fire (the style of burial has led some experts to think it may have been done as part of a funeral rite).

The man’s skeleton was dated back to around 1000 AD, which makes him one of the oldest known Vikings whose remains have ever been found in Denmark.

“Maximizing your metal detecting skills can lead to even more fascinating finds. Check out our article on expert tips and tricks for metal detecting to learn how to improve your techniques and increase your chances of uncovering treasure.”

4. A Gold Nugget

Another gold nugget was discovered in Australia, this one worth $100,000. It was found by a metal detectorist on a farm in New South Wales. 

While the nugget’s exact size isn’t known, it appears to be about the size of an egg or grapefruit and weighs about 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms). The finder plans to sell it for scrap gold and donate some of the proceeds to charity.

5. A World War Ii Bomb

You can also use a metal detector to find unexploded bombs. Over the years, many bombs have been left in fields throughout Great Britain, and some of them are still a threat to the area’s inhabitants. In this case, a farmer in Norfolk found an unexploded depth charge, a type of bomb used during World War II in his field and contacted the police to report it.

The bomb was safely detonated by the Royal Navy underwater explosive ordnance disposal team working with civilian archaeologists from Wessex Archaeology.

6. A Viking Sword From 980 Ce

In 2015, a Viking sword was found in the River Thames near London. It is thought that this sword was lost during a battle between Vikings and Saxons around 980 CE. 

The blade of this Viking sword was made of high-quality steel and decorated with silver. It is now on display at the British Museum as part of their permanent collection of historical items.

7. The World’s Oldest Golden Crown

A gold crown found during excavations in Norway is believed to be around 1000 years old, making it the oldest known crown in the world. 

The crown was discovered in 1867 at the Gokstad ship burial alongside other finds that included a sword, spear and battle axe—all items which suggested that this was a high-ranking person buried here.

The crown has been dated using radiocarbon dating technology and is thought to date back anywhere between 870 CE and 980 CE. 

It’s made of sheet gold decorated with semi-precious stones such as garnet or amethyst around its base, while the top portion is decorated with an interlaced knot pattern surrounded by four animal heads (two birds and two beasts).

“Investing in the right equipment is key to success in metal detecting. If you’re a beginner, be sure to check out our list of the top 15 best metal detectors for beginners to find the perfect detector for your needs.”

8. A $100,000 Collection Of Silver Coins And Ancient Artifacts

A metal detector found a collection of coins and artifacts worth $100,000 in a field in the United Kingdom in 2016. The finds included a gold bracelet, horse bit, and dozens of silver Roman coins dating back to AD 253-270.

9. Two Rare Roman Era Silver Coins

Two rare Roman era silver coins were found in a garden in 2007, and were later authenticated as authentic by experts. The coins were first minted around the year 211 A.D., and are thought to have been used as bribes for soldiers or officials during that era. 

They are now valued at around $200,000 each, a fact which is made all the more impressive by the fact that they are just over two-thousand years old!

10. Rare Roman Gold Coins And A Necklace

You might have heard about the controversial metal detecting hobby in the news, but there are actually many positive things that come from using a metal detector. 

In fact, this past summer an amateur archaeologist discovered a rare Roman gold necklace and coins while out on his usual hunt! The necklace was worth $500,000 while each coin was worth $250,000.

11. The World’s Rarest Copper Coin

Copper coins are extremely rare, and this one is the oldest known example of a Roman coin. It was minted in the 3rd century BCE from electrum, a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver. That’s right this coin predates even Julius Caesar by about 300 years!

“Scuba diving can be an exhilarating way to explore the underwater world and uncover hidden treasures. Take a look at our list of the top 15 most valuable treasures ever found while scuba diving to see some of the most impressive underwater discoveries.”

12. Prehistoric Tools And Weapons

If you want to uncover the past wherever you are, a metal detector is an excellent way to do so. Metal detectors can be used to find lost or hidden items, and they can help you find coins and other valuable objects. They can also help you find historical artifacts that have been buried for thousands of years.

A variety of different metals were used in prehistoric tools and weapons, including copper, bronze (a combination of copper and tin), lead, silver and gold. 

While many older coins are made from base metals like nickel or brass the most common types of coinage in Canada today there will still be some older coins around from earlier eras that contain precious metals such as silver or gold. If a detectorist finds any unusual lumps while scanning with their machine, it’s worth taking them home!

Metal Detectors Are A Great Way To Uncover The Past Wherever You Are

Metal detectors are a great way to uncover the past wherever you are. They can be used in many different ways, from exploring the beach to searching for treasure. They can also help archaeologists find ancient sites and lost items.

Metal detectors work by sending out a magnetic field which vibrates at a particular frequency when it comes into contact with metal objects. 

The device detects this vibration, which is then converted into an audio or visual signal that indicates whether there is metal nearby.

“The stories behind ancient artifacts can provide fascinating insight into the past. To learn more about these intriguing pieces of history, be sure to check out our article on the fascinating world of ancient artifacts and their stories, which explores the mysteries and intrigue of the artifacts that have been discovered over the years.”


We hope that this article has given you an idea of what metal detectors are capable of. The truth is that there are many more examples out there, and we’re sure you can think of some yourself! 

But if not, don’t worry: the point is to show how common it is for people to use these tools in order to discover lost treasures from the past. 

If nothing else, remember this quote from Albert Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Further Reading

For more information on the best metal detecting finds of all time, check out these resources:

10 Best Historical Metal Detecting Finds from MetalDetector.com: This article showcases some of the most impressive historical finds made with metal detectors, including ancient coins, relics, and artifacts.

Greatest Metal Detecting Finds of All Time from Hobby Help: This article features a list of the greatest metal detecting finds of all time, including treasures such as the Staffordshire Hoard and the Hoxne Hoard.

Greatest Metal Detecting Finds from Metal Detecting Tips: This article highlights some of the most incredible metal detecting finds in history, including the 1820 Gold Rush coins found in California and the Crosby Garrett Helmet found in England.


What is metal detecting?

Metal detecting is a hobby that involves using a metal detector to locate buried objects. These objects can be anything from lost jewelry and coins to relics and artifacts of historical significance.

What kind of objects can be found with a metal detector?

Metal detectors can locate a variety of objects made of metal, including coins, jewelry, artifacts, and relics. In some cases, metal detectors have even been used to locate buried treasure.

Do I need a special metal detector to find historical artifacts?

While any metal detector can be used to locate artifacts, some models are better suited to the task than others. Look for metal detectors with features like target ID, discrimination, and ground balance to increase your chances of finding historical artifacts.

Is metal detecting legal?

The legality of metal detecting varies by location, so it’s important to research the laws and regulations in your area before you begin detecting. In some cases, permits or permissions may be required to detect on public or private property.

Are there any safety considerations to keep in mind while metal detecting?

Yes, it’s important to take safety precautions while metal detecting. Always be aware of your surroundings, avoid trespassing, and wear protective gear like gloves and sturdy footwear. Additionally, be sure to properly dispose of any trash or debris you encounter while detecting.