The Top 15 Most Valuable Treasures Ever Found While Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. With scuba gear, you can explore the depths of oceans and lakes, or travel along river bottoms and even caves. 

But sometimes these dives have unexpected results; treasure hunters have uncovered some truly incredible finds while scuba diving. 

Valuable treasures can be found in urban areas and abandoned buildings.
Shipwrecks hold historically significant artifacts and treasure.
Scuba diving can lead to amazing underwater discoveries.
Antique hunting can be a thrilling experience and lead to incredible finds.
Diving for treasure requires proper training, experience, and safety precautions.

Here are 15 of them:

1. A Large Bronze Horse Head

In the Mediterranean Sea off of Sicily, a fisherman discovered what is believed to be a large bronze horse head that was once part of a statue of the Greek god Poseidon. 

The huge piece of metal would have been used as decoration on top of some ancient structure or building, and it is thought that this specific horse head was part of an elaborate fountain. This particular artifact is estimated to be worth about $1.5 million dollars today!

“Did you know there are valuable treasures hidden in plain sight in urban areas? Discover the top 10 most valuable urban treasures ever found, including a multimillion-dollar painting discovered in an attic, by checking out our article on urban treasures.”

2. A Statue Of A Panther

If you’ve never seen this statue before, it’s probably because it was discovered in 1878 by an American archaeologist named George Reisner. 

The statue was found in the ruins of a temple in Memphis, Egypt and represents the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet.

The panther is made of black granite that dates back to the New Kingdom period (1550 BC – 1070 BC). 

This particular part of ancient Egypt saw many wars waged between Egyptians and Nubians throughout its history. So this statue could have been used as a weapon or even as protection against evil spirits.

Found $20000 of Lost Gear Underwater! – Scuba Diving

3. The First Scientific Description Of The Egyptian Pyramids

The first scientific description of the Egyptian pyramids was written by an Italian named Giovanni Belzoni. He was a showman and adventurer who claimed to have discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. 

He was also a circus strongman, able to lift over 800 pounds with his bare hands! His book about Egypt is still considered one of the best descriptions of ancient Egyptian culture and history ever written by an outsider.

4. A 500-Year-Old Human Skeleton

In 1954, French divers discovered the skeleton of a man in a cave in the south of France. The remains were accompanied by more than 1,000 golden coins and jewels, which revealed that he was part of an elite group in society. 

It’s believed this monk lived during the 15th century when Europe was ravaged by plagues and famines that killed off large portions of its population.

The cave where these treasures were found is now known as Grotte de Lascaux or Lascaux Cave and it’s famous for being one of France’s most visited tourist attractions, drawing more than 1 million visitors annually!

“Exploring abandoned buildings can be an exhilarating experience, but it’s important to stay safe and respectful of the property. Our guide on finding lost treasures in abandoned buildings provides tips and precautions to take during your urban exploration adventures.”

5. A Carved Stone Cedar Tree Head From Ireland

It’s the stuff of legends a treasure hunter diving in County Kerry, Ireland, discovers an ancient stone head carved from a single piece of stone. The carving is believed to be from the Bronze Age and thought to represent some sort of deity.

The head was found in 1868 by James Coffey, who apparently found it while searching for treasure as part of an expedition organized by Sir John Evans, an archaeologist with interests in Celtic culture. 

While he didn’t find any gold or silver jewelry in that particular dive, he did discover this priceless artifact that now resides at the National Museum of Ireland.

6. 24,000 19th Century Wax Stamps From India, Russia And England

In 1863, a British diver found a cache of 24,000 19th century wax stamps from India, Russia and England. 

The stamps were used for postal services and were in excellent condition when they were discovered on the bed of the Black Sea near Sevastopol. They are now on display at the National Museum of History in Paris.

7. Four Carved Horses From The 9th Century Bc

In 1998, divers in a Danish bog discovered four carved horses that are believed to have come from the 9th century BC. The stone carvings are thought to have once been part of a chariot, possibly belonging to an important figure from that time period.

The discovery was made by archaeologists who were exploring Lusehage bog in northeastern Denmark. 

They found the remains of a wooden carriage but were not expecting to find any other artifacts nearby; however, when they started excavating deeper into the ground around where the carriage had once stood, they discovered these remarkable statues underneath it all all under about 6 feet (1.8 meters) of peat moss!

“The hunt for treasure doesn’t just happen on land – shipwrecks can hold some of the most valuable and historically significant artifacts. Learn about the fascinating world of shipwreck salvage operations and the amazing finds that have been recovered from the ocean depths.”

8. Four Golden Crowns From The 11th Century Bc

It’s hard to believe that these four crowns were found in the grave of a Scythian king, but it’s true! The Scythians were an ancient people who lived in Central Asia and parts of Eastern Europe from around 700 BC until about 100 AD. 

Two members of the group were buried together, and the treasures they left behind are some of the most valuable ever discovered in Kazakhstan.

The gold and silver crowns date back to between 500 BC and 400 BC, making them one of the oldest pieces on this list. One has a simple design but is still quite beautiful; another has intricate designs etched into it; while yet another was decorated with semi-precious stones like garnets or amethysts.

9. A 2,200-Year-Old Greek Map Detailing Route Of Alexander The Great’s Campaign

One of the most important ancient maps ever discovered, this 2,200-year-old Greek map details Alexander the Great’s march through Asia Minor. 

The map was found in Persepolis, Iran by German archaeologist Ernst Herzfeld. The stone tablet appears to be a bas relief showing mountains and rivers.

10. Two Clay Tablets Discovered At Ugarit In Syria

In 1929, a farmer plowing his field unearthed the remains of a temple. The destruction of the temple exposed two clay tablets that had been hidden in its foundations. 

These tablets are known as the Ugaritic texts, and they contain lists of gods and goddesses believed to have been written in cuneiform script. 

One tablet is believed to be part of an epic poem about Gilgamesh; it describes how he became king after slaying Humbaba, a giant monster who guarded a large palace on Mt Huwawa (now known as Jebel al-Aqra). 

The other tablet contains rituals for offerings made during religious festivals held by Ugarit’s inhabitants every year

“Scuba diving isn’t just a fun activity – it can also lead to some incredible treasure discoveries. Explore the top 10 most mysterious and fascinating treasures found while scuba diving in our article on underwater treasure.”

11. A 1,000-Year-Old Papyrus Dating To Augustus’s Reign With A List Of Officials And Beneficiaries

In 1890, it was found near the town of Akhmim in Upper Egypt by an Egyptian farmer who was digging for fertilizer. 

The document is written in Greek, and it contains a list of about 90 people including the names of high priests, city officials and servants and their salaries. 

It is believed to date back to the first century BC during the reigns of Ptolemy IX (also known as Lathyros) or Cleopatra VII Philopator (Lathyrus).

12. One Of The Largest Libraries Ever Found, Containing 300,000 Volumes

The Oxyrhynchus Papyri was discovered by Grenfell and Hunt in Egypt in 1898. It contains thousands of papyri (written on papyrus) dating from the 1st to 6th centuries AD. 

The majority of these documents are written in Greek, but there are also some Coptic texts among them. All were part of a private library that belonged to an ancient Egyptian called Oxyrynchus (his name is given to this town). 

He probably lived around 200 BC, but his real name has not been preserved because he wrote it on top of another document without including his own name!

13. The World’s Oldest Known Collection Of Mathematical Symbols, Dating To The Third Century Bc

The Behistun Inscription is a collection of Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian texts carved on a cliff side in modern Iran. 

The text was created by Darius the Great in the 5th century BCE and details the history of the Persian Empire from its founding to under his rule. 

The inscription is written in three languages: Old Persian (the official language used by the empire), Elamite and Babylonian.


Have you ever found a treasure? The next time you go on a scuba dive, keep your eyes peeled! You never know what might be hiding under the sea.

“Antique hunting can be a thrilling experience, and discovering a valuable item can be a dream come true. Read about incredible antique discoveries in our article on incredible stories of antique finds and learn how to start your own antique hunting adventures.”

Further Reading

For more information on undersea treasures and diving for treasure, check out these articles:

Incredible Undersea Treasures: Explore a list of amazing treasures found underwater, including a sunken galleon filled with gold coins and a valuable diamond ring.

Diving Treasures: The 7 Biggest Finds: Discover some of the biggest and most valuable treasures ever found while diving, including a hoard of Viking silver and a collection of ancient coins.

Diver Finds Gold Coin Worth $98,000 on Wreck off Key West: Read about a lucky diver who discovered a rare gold coin worth nearly $100,000 on a shipwreck off the coast of Florida.


What is treasure hunting?

Treasure hunting is the search for valuable or historically significant items, such as gold, silver, artifacts, or other precious objects. This can involve searching on land or underwater, and often requires specialized equipment and knowledge.

What is urban exploring?

Urban exploring, also known as urbex, is the exploration of abandoned or hidden urban spaces, such as buildings, tunnels, or rooftops. It can be a way to discover forgotten or hidden treasures in urban areas.

What are some tips for finding treasure while scuba diving?

Some tips for finding treasure while scuba diving include researching the history of the dive site, using metal detectors or other specialized equipment, and diving in areas with a high likelihood of sunken ships or other valuable artifacts.

How can I stay safe while exploring abandoned buildings?

To stay safe while exploring abandoned buildings, it’s important to wear appropriate clothing and footwear, carry a first aid kit and other necessary supplies, and be aware of potential hazards such as unstable floors or falling debris. It’s also important to respect the property and not vandalize or damage any structures.

What are some common treasures found in shipwrecks?

Shipwrecks can hold a variety of treasures, such as gold and silver coins, jewelry, weapons, and artifacts from different time periods. Some shipwrecks are also valuable for their historical significance, such as those from famous battles or explorations.