How to Calibrate Your XP Deus Metal Detector

Before we begin, it is important to understand that metal detectors are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each detector has unique settings and features that require proper calibration to achieve optimal performance. 

The XP Deus metal detector is no exception. Calibrating your detector may seem like a daunting task, but by following these steps, you can be confident in the accuracy and reliability of your XP Deus metal detector.

Assemble your detector properly
Understand the XP Deus control box
Ground balance your detector
Noise cancel your detector
Adjust your sensitivity settings
Set discrimination and iron volume
Fine-tune your audio and tones
Test your detector
Troubleshoot common issues

Step 1: Assemble Your Detector

Before calibrating your XP Deus metal detector, ensure that it is properly assembled. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for assembling your detector, and ensure that all components are securely in place.

When starting treasure hunting, it’s important to have the right equipment. Check out our article on items required for treasure hunting to make sure you have everything you need for a successful hunt.

Step 2: Understand the XP Deus Control Box

The XP Deus metal detector is operated through a control box located on the end of the detector’s shaft. Before calibrating your detector, take the time to familiarize yourself with the control box and its functions. The control box includes various settings, such as ground balance, sensitivity, discrimination, and audio adjustments, which will be discussed in further detail in the following steps.

How To Set Up And Calibrate A Metal Detector

Step 3: Turn On Your XP Deus Metal Detector

To turn on your XP Deus metal detector, press and hold the on/off button on the control box until the screen lights up. The XP Deus metal detector will perform a self-check before displaying the main menu.

If you’re new to treasure hunting, it can be overwhelming. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Check out our beginner’s guide to treasure hunting for tips and tricks to get you started.

Step 4: Ground Balance Your Detector

Ground balancing your XP Deus metal detector is a crucial step to ensure that your detector is properly calibrated for the specific soil conditions in which you will be detecting. Ground balancing eliminates any interference from mineralization, making it easier to detect targets.

Sub-step 4.1: Select a Location to Ground Balance

Select a location where you will be detecting and where the soil is representative of the area you will be searching. Avoid ground balancing on concrete or asphalt, as these surfaces do not contain mineralization.

Sub-step 4.2: Conduct the Ground Balance Procedure

To ground balance your XP Deus metal detector, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the ground balance button on the control box until the ground balance menu appears.
  1. Using the arrow buttons, select the ground balance mode that matches the soil conditions of your location. The options are beach, salt, wet, mineralization, or manual.
  2. Once you have selected the appropriate mode, place the search coil on the ground and press and hold the ground balance button again.
  3. Slowly raise the coil about six inches off the ground and wait for the detector to complete the ground balance procedure.
  4. Once the ground balance is complete, the detector will emit a beep, and the ground balance value will be displayed on the control box.

Step 5: Noise Cancel Your Detector

Noise cancelling is the process of eliminating interference from electrical sources, such as power lines or cell phones. To noise cancel your XP Deus metal detector, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the noise cancel button on the control box until the noise cancel menu appears.
  2. Using the arrow buttons, select the frequency that matches the interference you are experiencing.
  3. Place the search coil on the ground and press and hold the noise cancel button again.
  4. Slowly raise the coil about six inches off the ground and wait for the detector to complete the noise cancel procedure.
  5. Once the noise cancel is complete, the detector will emit a beep, and the noise cancel value will be displayed on the control box.

Choosing the right metal detector is crucial to your success as a treasure hunter. If you’re considering a Fisher F22 or F44, read our comparison article on Fisher F22 vs F44 to determine which one is the best fit for you.

Step 6: Adjust Your Sensitivity Settings

Sensitivity settings adjust the depth at which your XP Deus metal detector can detect targets. However, it is important to note that increasing sensitivity may also increase the likelihood of picking up unwanted signals, such as ground mineralization or electrical interference. 

To adjust your sensitivity settings, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the sensitivity button on the control box until the sensitivity menu appears.
  2. Using the arrow buttons, adjust the sensitivity setting to a level that balances depth and stability.
  3. Test the sensitivity setting by waving a metal object in front of the search coil.

Step 7: Set Discrimination and Iron Volume

Discrimination is the process of eliminating unwanted signals from specific targets, such as iron or aluminum. Iron volume allows you to adjust the volume of iron signals. To set discrimination and iron volume on your XP Deus metal detector, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the discrimination button on the control box until the discrimination menu appears.
  2. Using the arrow buttons, select the discrimination level that matches the targets you want to detect.
  3. Adjust the iron volume to a level that balances iron signals with other signals.

Step 8: Fine-Tune Your Audio and Tones

Audio and tone settings adjust the volume and pitch of target signals. To fine-tune your audio and tone settings on your XP Deus metal detector, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the audio button on the control box until the audio menu appears.
  2. Using the arrow buttons, select the audio response that matches your personal preferences.
  3. Using the arrow buttons, adjust the pitch and volume of your tone settings.

Step 9: Test Your Detector

Once you have completed all the calibration steps, it is important to test your XP Deus metal detector to ensure optimal performance. Test your detector by waving a metal object in front of the search coil, and adjust the settings as needed for the best results.

Wondering if treasure hunting is worth the time and effort? Read our article on is treasure hunting worth it to learn about the potential benefits and drawbacks of this hobby.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are experiencing issues with your XP Deus metal detector, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for troubleshooting tips. Common issues include interference from electrical sources, ground mineralization, or improperly calibrated settings.

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about calibrating metal detectors, check out these helpful resources:

Garrett PD6500i Calibration Guide – This guide provides step-by-step instructions for calibrating the Garrett PD6500i metal detector, which is commonly used for security purposes.

XP Deus Ground Balance Tutorial – This video tutorial provides a visual guide for ground balancing the XP Deus metal detector, which can be helpful for those who prefer a hands-on approach.

Adjusting XP Deus Sensitivity and Discrimination – This video tutorial demonstrates how to adjust sensitivity and discrimination settings on the XP Deus metal detector, which can help you fine-tune your detector for optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about calibrating the XP Deus metal detector:

1. Why is ground balancing important for metal detecting?

Ground balancing is important because it eliminates interference from soil mineralization, which can cause false signals and reduce the detector’s sensitivity. Proper ground balancing ensures that your detector is calibrated for the specific soil conditions in which you will be detecting.

2. What is discrimination, and how does it work?

Discrimination is the process of eliminating unwanted signals from specific targets, such as iron or aluminum. Discrimination works by analyzing the conductivity of the target and comparing it to the discrimination setting. If the conductivity of the target matches the discrimination setting, the detector will not emit a signal.

If you’re experiencing coil issues with your Nokta Makro Simplex metal detector, don’t panic. Check out our guide on dealing with coil issues on your Nokta Makro Simplex for tips and tricks to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

3. How do I adjust the audio and tone settings on my XP Deus metal detector?

To adjust the audio and tone settings on your XP Deus metal detector, press and hold the audio button on the control box. Using the arrow buttons, you can select the audio response and adjust the pitch and volume of your tone settings.

4. What should I do if I am experiencing interference with my XP Deus metal detector?

If you are experiencing interference with your XP Deus metal detector, try noise cancelling and adjusting the sensitivity and discrimination settings. If the issue persists, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for troubleshooting tips.