15 Urban Exploring Tips For Finding Hidden Treasure

An urban explorer is someone who explores abandoned, neglected and hidden places. These could be buildings, tunnels or even just spaces that are underutilized. 

Urban explorers are both adventurers and historians; they want to find the hidden treasures around them and learn about history. 

Urban exploration is the practice of exploring abandoned or off-limits urban areas, such as buildings, tunnels, and rooftops.
Metal detecting is a fun and exciting way to uncover hidden treasures in your local community.
Researching the history of an area can often provide clues as to where treasure may be located.
Getting started in urban exploration or treasure hunting requires research and preparation, as well as investing in the right equipment and safety gear.
Joining a local group or community can provide valuable resources and support for those interested in urban exploration and treasure hunting.

If you’ve ever wanted to explore an abandoned building or bridge, here are some tips for doing so safely:

Be Social

If you want to experience urban exploration at its best, you need to talk to people. The most amazing abandoned places are usually hidden away in areas that aren’t very populated and don’t have a lot of foot traffic. 

That can make them difficult to find unless you have inside information or a good source of intel (which we’ll discuss later). But there’s still one way: ask!

Many times, if you ask around and get yourself involved in the community, someone will know about an interesting area that isn’t open to the public. 

They might even take you there themselves and give you a tour if they know what they’re doing. If this happens, chances are they’ll also be able to tell some stories about the place or show off their pictures from when they were exploring it before it was abandoned.

“If you’re just starting out in the world of urban exploring, our beginner’s guide to urban exploring is a must-read. It covers everything from how to plan your exploration to what gear to bring, and will help you get started on your own urban treasure hunts.”

The Best Thing You Can Do Is Try On Things That Others Have Tried On

The best thing you can do is try on things that others have tried on. The second best thing is to try to find the people who tried them on and ask them if they want them back or if they want you to take care of them until they come back for them. 

This will help keep your items safe from people who might be trying to steal from you and also make sure that any money spent on your new belongings goes back into the store where it belongs!

Complete Beginner’s Guide To Urban Exploration

Don’t Worry About The Weather

The weather is unpredictable. You’ll find yourself in the middle of a torrential downpour or a scorching heatwave, and you’ll be frustrated that you can’t do your favorite outdoor activities. Don’t let this be an excuse to sit inside!

Instead of giving up on your plans because of weather, use it to your advantage by exploring urban environments when they are at their least crowded.

A rainy day is perfect for walking around abandoned buildings and subway stations without being trampled by crowds of tourists or commuters. 

Similarly, if it’s hot out and everyone else is heading indoors to escape the heatwave, now’s the time to take advantage of having many abandoned buildings all to yourself!

“Abandoned buildings can be a treasure trove of lost artifacts and forgotten history. If you’re interested in exploring abandoned buildings, check out our guide on exploring abandoned buildings in search of lost treasures for tips on how to stay safe and make the most of your exploration.”

Check The Ground For Footprints

Another good tip for finding hidden treasures is to look for footprints in the ground, which can be a good indication of how long something has been there. 

Footprints are also useful for determining whether someone has been there recently. This can help you find things in the dark, such as old street lamps or abandoned cars.

Ask Questions When You Don’t Understand Something You See.

If you see something that you don’t understand, ask someone who knows what they’re talking about! There’s nothing wrong with asking questions and getting some information from someone who has extensive knowledge on the subject.

You can also ask a friend or family member to help answer any doubts or questions that arise while exploring. You don’t have to go through it alone! The more people there are involved in an urban exploration adventure, the more fun it will be for everyone involved.

Look For Features

Look for features. Look for things that are different from the surrounding area, like a staircase leading to nowhere or an old shed out in the woods. These can be signs of something you might not have noticed before and would otherwise pass by without a second glance.

Look for things that are unusual or out of place. A tree with a weird-shaped trunk could indicate an old foundation nearby, while a building surrounded by trees is likely built on top of some kind of foundation itself (maybe even a cemetery).

Look for things hidden in plain sight: If you see plants growing over an abandoned road, look for evidence that people used to drive on it regularly like rocks pushed into the ground where tires once treated over them or cracks on asphalt where cars once sat parked for extended periods of time during warmer months when snow wouldn’t cover them up

“Have you ever wondered what the most valuable urban treasures ever found are? Look no further than our article on the top 10 most valuable urban treasures ever found. From rare coins to priceless works of art, this list will leave you amazed at the hidden treasures that lie beneath the city streets.”

Record What You Find In A Notebook To Refer Back To Later

In addition to the piece of paper, a notebook is also useful for recording information about your urban exploration experience. 

Record the location of where you went and what you saw in detail. Also record the weather conditions, time, date and any other factors that might have affected your exploration experience. 

If there was anything special about this place (for example: historical significance or architectural importance), write it down as well. 

Write down who else was exploring with you and what they discovered along with their opinions on what they found. 

Finally, document any lessons learned during your exploration by asking yourself questions like “What did I find that I didn’t expect? Were there any areas that were more interesting than others? What surprises did this place bring me?”

Get An Idea Of What’s Nearby By Looking At Maps And Understanding Scale

Whether you’re an urban explorer newbie or an old pro, there’s no better way to get acquainted with your surroundings than by using a map. Maps are especially helpful if you’re in a city or area that’s new to you and don’t know where things are. 

They can also help you find hidden treasures like abandoned tunnels, highways and even whole neighborhoods where people rarely go. 

And when it comes time to leave those places, maps can be your best friend since they’ll make sure that when the sun goes down and darkens out everything around them, it’s easy for them (and their friends) to find their way out again too.

“For those who love the thrill of the hunt, our list of the top 15 most notorious urban treasure hunts of all time is a must-read. From hidden Nazi gold to lost pirate treasure, these stories will leave you on the edge of your seat and inspire you to embark on your own urban treasure hunt.”

Think About How Other People Will React To Different Things

When you’re urban exploring, always keep in mind how other people will react to different things. If you’re going to do something illegal, make sure you’re not leaving evidence behind or getting caught. 

For example, if someone finds your fingerprints on a door handle or sees that there are marks where an object was removed from its place, they’ll know someone’s been there before and may alert authorities. 

The same goes for any type of vandalism: if anyone sees graffiti on walls or fences around the area that might get reported to police, it could lead back to you!

Bring Someone Along Who Knows What They’re Looking At

A friend or family member who’s interested in the same things you are, and is willing to help you find the best places to explore, is an invaluable resource when it comes to urban exploration. 

Someone with a deeper understanding of history can also help you understand what you’re seeing and maybe even point out some things that you missed during your first pass through a location.

Pack Gear That Can Be Used In Multiple Ways And Multiple Situations

When you’re packing for your urban exploring trip, don’t make the same mistake I did by bringing only one or two varieties of gear. 

It is extremely important to pack items that can be used in more than one way, and more than one situation.

For example, I brought along a headlamp but forgot to pack extra batteries. Had this not been the case, I could have used my headlamp as a flashlight by turning off its light and using it as such until my batteries ran out (or until I found fresh ones). 

Headlamps are also great for illuminating things at night without having to shine bright lights directly into people’s faces which is an important consideration when exploring abandoned buildings or other areas where people might be sensitive about being photographed without their permission (and some places may even require you to sign waivers before entering).

“Metal detecting is a fun and exciting way to uncover hidden treasures in your local community. If you’re interested in trying your hand at metal detecting, our beginner’s guide to metal detecting is a great place to start. We cover everything from how to choose the right metal detector to how to identify different types of metal and increase your chances of finding treasure.”


Urban exploring can be a fun and exciting hobby, but it’s important to take the right precautions before you go. 

This way, your chances of getting caught are slim, and if you do get caught by someone, they’ll just think you’re a normal person out there exploring. 

So what are some good tips for urban explorers? Well first off, always remember that safety is more important than anything else! That being said – here are some tips for those interested in this hobby:

Be social with others who share your interests so that they can provide guidance when needed or offer support during difficult times (like when someone gets hurt). The best thing about exploring urban areas though is how easy it is to connect with other people because there’s always something new around every corner!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about urban exploration and treasure hunting, check out these resources:

Ultimate Guide to Urban Exploration Photography – This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about photographing abandoned buildings and other urban exploration sites.

Urban Exploration – The Wikipedia page on urban exploration provides an overview of the history and culture of urban exploration.

Where to Find Treasure – This guide provides tips on where to look for treasure, including old coins, artifacts, and lost jewelry.


What is urban exploration?

Urban exploration is the practice of exploring abandoned or off-limits urban areas, such as buildings, tunnels, and rooftops.

Is urban exploration legal?

In many cases, urban exploration is technically illegal, as it often involves trespassing on private property. However, laws regarding urban exploration can vary by location.

What is metal detecting?

Metal detecting is the use of a handheld device to locate metal objects buried in the ground. This is often used in treasure hunting to locate lost coins, jewelry, and artifacts.

Where can I find treasure?

Treasure can be found in a variety of locations, such as old buildings, beaches, parks, and even in your own backyard. Researching the history of an area can often provide clues as to where treasure may be located.

How do I get started in urban exploration or treasure hunting?

Getting started in urban exploration or treasure hunting requires research and preparation. It’s important to research the laws and regulations in your area, as well as to invest in the right equipment and safety gear. Joining a local group or community can also provide valuable resources and support.