15 Fascinating Ancient Artifacts That Tell The Story Of Our Past

I’m sure you’ve heard about some of the amazing artifacts found by archaeologists. But have you ever wondered what makes these discoveries so unique? It’s not just the fact that they tell us more about our past it’s also the way they do it. 

For example, a potter’s wheel might seem like an ordinary tool today, but to someone who lived thousands of years ago, it could be something truly amazing. 

Ancient artifacts provide valuable insight into the history and culture of past civilizations.
The stories behind ancient artifacts are as intriguing as the artifacts themselves.
Archaeological excavations are a primary means of discovering ancient artifacts.
The preservation of ancient artifacts is a delicate process that involves specialized techniques.
The value of ancient artifacts can be both cultural and monetary.

In this article, I’ll show you 15 fascinating ancient artifacts that tell their own stories about our past and make us wonder what else we’ve left behind over millennia.

The Maya

The Maya Civilization

The Maya civilization existed from around 250 CE to 900 CE. It’s one of the most well-known ancient civilizations in the Americas, and it was located primarily in present day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras.

The people built great cities with temples and pyramids that reached up into the sky—but they also had an advanced understanding of mathematics and astronomy. They were able to predict eclipses accurately hundreds of years before modern scientists could do so!

Much like other ancient civilizations found throughout Europe or Asia during this time period (think Rome), a large part of what we know about the Maya comes from their artisans’ beautiful sculptures made out of stone or wood called stelae which were often adorned with hieroglyphic inscriptions describing important events from each ruler’s reigns including wars won or lost along with other notable accomplishments by their nations’ leaders such as building structures like temples or palaces for example.

“From the pyramids of Egypt to the Parthenon in Greece, ancient artifacts have been a source of fascination for centuries. Our article on the history of ancient artifacts delves deeper into the rich cultural heritage and historical significance of these timeless treasures.”

The Tale of Wen Chang (Sun Tzu)

This ancient text is one of the oldest military treatises in existence. It was written by Sun Tzu, a general during China’s Zhou Dynasty, sometime around the 4th century BC. The book contains 13 chapters of advice on strategy and tactics for warfare.

It serves as a guidebook for both strategy and tactics it offers advice on how to win wars by understanding your enemy’s strengths and weaknesses, recognizing them within yourself, understanding how others will act based on their personality traits (and more), predicting how they’ll behave based on past experiences, knowing what people want from life so you can use those desires against them…and so much more!

The Most Amazing Old Historical Artifacts Around the World

The Death of Achilles

Achilles is the best known hero of the Trojan War. He was the son of a sea-nymph and Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, a tribe of people who lived in Thessaly in northern Greece. 

His mother anointed him with ambrosia and put him in the fire to burn away his mortality. As a result, he only grew stronger as he got older; by adulthood, he had become immortal because no weapon could harm him!

Achilles’ first battle during the war was against King Priam’s son Hector who killed Patroclus (another warrior on his side). Enraged by this death, Achilles killed Hector using an arrow dipped in blood from Sarpedon’s corpse (which had been stolen by Apollo). 

“The stories behind ancient artifacts are as intriguing as the artifacts themselves. If you’re curious to learn more about the fascinating world of ancient artifacts, check out our article on the stories behind ancient artifacts.”

Then Achilles dragged Hector’s body around Troy behind his chariot before tying it to stakes outside Priam’s palace so that everyone could see it.

Pottery from the Neolithic Period

A piece of pottery is a significant part of human history, and can give you a specific idea of how our ancestors lived. Pottery has been used for thousands of years, and traces back to prehistoric times. 

The earliest examples were made by decorating pots with red ochre, a mineral pigment found in iron oxide. 

It wasn’t until the Neolithic Period that pottery really took off as an artistic medium; this period began around 6000 BC, when humans started to develop agriculture and live in permanent settlements.

Pottery can be used for cooking or serving food; storing water or other liquids; making containers such as bowls or vases; or many other purposes depending on what type you buy (for example: plates vs teacups).

The Buddha’s Tooth Relic

You know how when you’re in a museum, and you see the statue of some famous ancient king or queen? And it’s made of gold and covered in jewels? Well, that isn’t just for show. 

The Buddha’s Tooth Relic is considered to be the most sacred relic of Buddhism: it’s believed that the tooth is from Siddhartha Gautama’s funeral pyre, making it one of his most important possessions.

The relic was found by a Burmese farmer in 1940 (though there are conflicting stories about this). It was then kept safe at Kandy Temple until 1988 when it disappeared for over 20 years before being located again in 2007! 

The tooth has been kept under heavy guard since its reappearance; it now resides in a gold casket within Sri Lanka’s Dalada Maligawa Temple Palace Museum.

“The Rosetta Stone is one of the most famous ancient artifacts in the world, and its discovery revolutionized our understanding of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Discover the secrets of this incredible artifact in our article on the story of the Rosetta Stone.”

A Bronze Age Warrior’s Shield

You may have seen this shield before. It’s a bronze age warrior’s shield, discovered by archaeologists in the 1970s in northern Germany. The shield was found in a grave, and dates to around 1600 BC ancient times! 

You can see that it has a pattern on it, with two birds facing each other and what looks like foliage between them. It also has some kind of hole in the middle.

The reason why we know that this is actually a shield is because of what was found inside: three spears (which would obviously be used as weapons), an axe (also made for fighting), and some jewelry buried along with him.

A Horsehead from Troy

A horsehead from Troy (circa 3000 BC)

The Trojan Horse, a war trophy that helped defeat Troy’s defenders, is one of the most famous stories in Greek mythology. 

This war trophy has been discovered in the ruins of Troy and dated back to 3000 BC. The sculpture is carved from marble and was originally painted red-brown. The sculpture shows an equestrian warrior with a spear held over his shoulder and a helmet on his head.

A Viking Trowel

A trowel is a tool that’s used to cut the turf in construction, and Viking trowels were just as useful during their time as they are today. In fact, archaeologists even found one at a Viking site in Norway called Nesset. 

The trowel dates back to about A.D 850 and was made of wood with a handle on it so people could hold onto it when they cut through the turf. They’re still used by construction workers today!

“Ancient artifacts are a window into lost civilizations and cultures that have shaped our world. Learn more about the search for these lost ancient civilizations through their artifacts in our article on the search for lost ancient civilizations.”

A Roman Stomach Stone

A Roman Stomach Stone is an ancient artifact that was used by Roman soldiers to aid in digestion. It is believed to have been made of limestone, and it may have been discovered in the Rhine River. 

The stomach stone was found by a German miner in the 1800s, who then donated it to a museum in Mainz, Germany.

The Bodrum Footprints

The Bodrum Footprints are a set of 5,000-year-old human footprints that were discovered on the shoreline of Bodrum, Turkey. They belong to the people of the Early Bronze Age and have been scientifically dated to around 3200 BC.

The Bodrum Footprints consist of 28 pairs of right and left footprints, which were created by two men walking through wet clay while wearing leather sandals. 

There are also many other similar tracks nearby, suggesting that these individuals were part of a group that walked across this area as they traveled along a path or road that was later covered over with mud and water from flooding at some point in time after they had passed through it.

Ancient Lipstick (Is carbon dated at 30,000 years old!)

In a cave in the Altai Mountains, archaeologists found a red substance that they believe to be the oldest known cosmetic product. Carbon dating has dated it at 30,000 years old and it appears to have been used as lipstick. 

The color was made by mixing crushed insects with fat or oil and leaving them out in the sun to dry. The pigment created was then applied directly to lips with a stick or bone needle. 

This is not the only example of ancient makeup: Egyptian women around 3100 BC also used kohl eyeliner made from lead ore mixed with water and antimony sulfide called galena (a metallic ore).

“Egypt is home to some of the most iconic ancient ruins in the world, including the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Our article on exploring the history behind ancient ruins in Egypt takes you on a journey through time to uncover the rich history and culture of this fascinating country.”


In conclusion, we’ve seen how ancient artifacts can tell the story of our past. We can learn about what life was like for people who lived thousands of years ago by looking at their objects and remains. 

Some of these items are found in museums or other places where they can be studied by experts, while others are still buried in the ground waiting to be discovered!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about ancient artifacts, check out these articles:

Famous Ancient Artifacts: This article provides a comprehensive overview of some of the most famous and iconic ancient artifacts from around the world.

10 Ancient Artifacts With Mysteries We May Never Solve: This article explores 10 ancient artifacts that continue to mystify archaeologists and historians to this day.

30 Of The Most Famous Artifacts In World History: This article provides a fascinating glimpse into the history and significance of 30 of the most famous artifacts in the world.


What are ancient artifacts?

Ancient artifacts are objects or relics that have been preserved from ancient civilizations and are often of cultural, historical, or artistic significance.

Why are ancient artifacts important?

Ancient artifacts provide valuable insight into the history and culture of past civilizations. They offer a tangible link to our past and can help us understand how societies evolved over time.

How are ancient artifacts discovered?

Ancient artifacts are often discovered through archaeological excavations, but they can also be found through chance discoveries, such as by farmers plowing fields or by construction workers digging foundations.

How are ancient artifacts preserved?

Ancient artifacts are typically preserved through careful handling, storage, and conservation methods, such as using temperature-controlled environments, protective coatings, and restoration techniques.

What is the value of ancient artifacts?

The value of ancient artifacts varies depending on their rarity, historical significance, and cultural importance. Some artifacts may be priceless, while others may have a monetary value based on their condition and provenance.